Where it Began...
Madison's venture into the world of performance commenced during her tween years as a competitive cheerleader and acrobat. At the age of 11, she found herself obliged to enroll in a dance class to maintain her position on the elite acrobatics team at her local studio. There, she discovered her natural ability and love for dance as she swiftly embraced additional dance styles the following year. Since then, she has remained dedicated to her passion for performing arts!
During high school at Salem Christian School, Madison began to study musical theater and vocal performance, refining her skills in acting, singing, and dancing. She has portrayed notable characters like Dianna Barry in "Anne of Green Gables" and the Fairy Godmother in "Cinderella." Performing in the 19th annual Freddy Awards and training under scholarship at The Pennsylvania Youth Ballet School were some highlights of her high school journey.
Madison's first dance competition (April 2015)
Where it's Going...
Prior to graduating high school, Madison began her pre-professional journey at Eastern University, to pursue her BA in Dance, and BS in Business Administration concentrating in Leadership. Since then, she has danced professionally at Dorney Park, Kings Dominion, and with Melange Contemporary Dance Company, in addition to dancing in several senior thesis projects, Eastern University's musicals, and The Eastern Dance Team via EU Athletics.
Madison initially explored choreography through musicals and solos set on herself. Recognizing her innate skill as a choreographer, she has since had the chance to showcase and set her works on local dance studios and Eastern's mainstage while pursuing her education. Her piece "Becoming Acquainted" was featured in the “Accensions” concert at Eastern, adapted for the ACDA stage in March 2024, showcased at the 12th annual SpringUp Festival in April 2024, and adjudicated by Industry professionals. She additionally collaborated on the choreography for "Interdependence Unraveled," which was highlighted in both the "Prologue" and "Ellipsis" dance concerts on Eastern's mainstage in April 2024.
Madison's dance contract at Kings Dominion (June 2023)
What's Next...
Madison has always deeply valued getting a well-rounded education and is thrilled to have discovered higher education where she can study Business and Dance. Through The College of Business and Leadership at Eastern University, Madison has had numerous opportunities to explore leadership development, group dynamics, and entrepreneurship, alongside her studies in liturgical dance, dance kinesiology, global dance, and more.
Madison remains committed to exploring prospects within Eastern University's College of Business and Leadership and the Fine Arts Departments, as she prepares to graduate early in December 2024. Currently, she is working as a business intern at 2/13 Strategic Partners in Wayne, PA, while also juggling teaching, auditions, and preparations for her senior thesis project. Beyond graduation, Madison envisions a career path where she can embrace both her business and fine arts degrees, alongside her desire to venture into new territories, forge new connections, and excel in professional performance.
Madison as "Mermaid/Dance Captain in Eastern University's "Big Fish" (March 2024)
Photography by: Tim Miller
Artistic Statement
“As a dancer deeply entrenched in both performing and fine arts, personally I derive immense joy from weaving narratives through movement and choreography. My journey is a continuous exploration, merging technical precision with genuine expression while forging personal connections with audiences.
Inspired by the spirit of childhood, I infuse positivity, exploration, and faith into my artistic endeavors, while blending them with my adult perspectives and values. My ultimate aspiration is to touch hearts and foster meaningful connections, understanding that uplifting even one person means I have fulfilled my goal.​
I view my artistic talents as a form of faith, perpetually grateful for the guiding forces at the center of it all, guiding my path and bestowing upon me these abilities. Dance serves not only as a means of expression but also as a vehicle for spiritual, creative, and personal growth.
With every step and story conveyed through movement, I discover empowerment and an authentic reflection of myself. Dance transcends being merely a passion; it is my ultimate creative outlet and the purest manifestation of my identity.”